Keji Beling (Keji Shard)
or Stachytarpheta Mutabilis, Vahl.
Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Vahl.
Strobilantes crispus, Bl. Sericocalyx crispus, (Linn.), Bremek.
The family: Acanthaceae
Despicable shard (Stachytarpheta mutabilis) is a type of plant that trunked wet and skimming the grass resembles a trunked vertical.
In Java, this plant is available in many rural areas that grow as bushes.
The stem of the tree diameter between 0.2 - 0.7 cm.
Outside skin purple with green spots, and when changed into a dark brown.
Leaf despicable porcelain round eggs, with a jagged edge in the distance rather rare, fuzzy almost imperceptible.
The length of the leaf blade (without a rod) ranging between 5 - 8 cm (normal size) and width of leaves approximately 2 - 5 cm.
Plant this easy to breed in the land fertile, and somewhat protected in the open.
Terms of growth:
A. Climate:
Elevation: 1 m - 1,000 m above sea level
Annual rainfall: 2,500 mm - 4.000 mm / year
Wet months (above 100 mm / month): 8 months - 9 months
Dry months (below 60 mm / month): 3 months - 4 months
Temperature: 200 C - 250 C
Humidity: medium
Lighting: are.
B. Land:
Texture: sand until pliable.
Residents: are - good.
Water depth: 25 cm from the ground surface.
Root depth: 5 cm from the ground surface.
Unfriendliness (pH): 5.5 - 7.
Fertility: are.
Guidelines raise:
a.Processed Land: Make a planting hole the size of 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm.
b.To be ready of seeds: growing plants despicable porcelain made with the slip.
c.How to planting: Slip Supply Choosing planted on land that hole has been prepared with a distance of planting 1 mx 1 m.
Local Name:
KejiBeling (Indonesia), Ngokilo (Java);
Composition of herb :
Leaf despicable shard contains elements of minerals such as potassium, Sodium, calcium and several other elements.
The disease can be Treated and How to use herbal remedies :
diuretic, tumors, brain tumors, diabetes melitus, lever (jaundice), hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids), cholesterol, ulcer, can be tenacious and think black.
medicinal utilization:
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh sheets 3.
How to use: as fresh eaten every day and done regularly.
Taboo: Salt fish, chili, bean sprouts, mustards vegetable, water spinach, pineapple,
durian fruit, jackfruit, ice, alcohol and yeast, soda pop and glutamate.
Diabetes Mellitus
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh sheets 3.
How to use: as fresh vegetable eaten every day and done regularly.
Taboo: the sweet food.
Lever (jaundice)
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh sheets 3.
How to use: as fresh vegetable eaten every day and done regularly.
Taboo: foods that contain fat.
Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids)
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh sheets 3.
How to use: as fresh vegetable eaten every day and done regularly.
Taboo: goat meat and food / cooking spicy.
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh sheets 3.
How to use: as fresh vegetable eaten every day and done regularly.
Taboo: fatty foods.
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh sheets 3.
How to use: as fresh vegetable eaten every day and done regularly.
Taboo: spicy food or acid.
Got Poison of Worm and Black Emmets
Materials: Leaves Keji shard of raw and fresh 1.
How to use: rubbing going on in parts of the body to itch
leaves the issue of water and destroyed. Carried out 2 times
after 2 hours ago.
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