Latin name: Orthosiphon stamineus Benth
Region's named: Kumis Kucing, Songot Koceng, Remujung, Sesaseyan

Description plants:
Plants trunked wet, to 1.5 m high, round egg-shaped leaves, flowers white mustache like cats, a rectangular-shaped stem and easy broken.
Grown wild on farm, at the edge of the river and in places quite humid land to a height of 700 m above sea level, there are also planted as ornamental plants
The plant used: All parts plant
Genkosid orthosifonin, him fat, essential oil, oil fat, saponin, sapofonin, salt potassium
medicine uses
Orthosiphon is used for treating the ailments of the kidney, since it has a mild diuretic effect. It is also claimed to have anti allergy, anti hypertension and anti inflammation properties, and is commonly used for kidney stones and nephritis. Orthosiphon is sometimes used to treat gout, diabetes, hypertension and rheumatic. It is reportedly effective for anti fungi and anti bacteria purposes.
Name simplicia: Orthosiphonis Herbs
Traditional recipes:
Difficult urine :
mustache cat fresh leaves 1 / 4 handheld, 1 cup water, to obtain boiling liquid 1 / 2 cups, drunk every day 2 times and each time you drink 1 / 2 cups
kidney stones :
mustache cat herb 6 g, stonebreaker herbs (meniran) 7 tree, 110 ml of water, made doofus, drunk 2 times a day, every time you drink 100 ml
diabetes :
mustache cat leaves 20 pieces, green chirayta leaf (sambiloto) 20 pieces, 110 ml of water, made doofus, drunk 1 a day; 100 ml
lumbago :
mustache cat leaves 1 handful fresh; skin stem papaya wide 4 cm2; 110 ml of water, made doofus, drunk 1 times a day 100 ml
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